Hi this is my mini journal where I yap about things, but tend to keep it short.
This is moreso for random, lighter thoughts.


This is a test for my first blog entry. Just seeing how it works :). This is my first time trying to actually manage something like this, so I hope I'm able to actually keep up with it.

As of now I'm not too sure if I'm huge on the layout of this page but, that can change. Also wondering if I'm overdoing this site with too much content-worried about storage limit, but I'm probably fine. We'll see.

I bought a shit ton of art supplies with the Giftcard my school's photography club bought. It's Amazon based, so initially I had zero clue what to use it for, but I'm glad I figured it out. Really excited for when things come in the mail, I'm ready to start a new sketchbook and get my art and photo gallery page up and running. Will post in photo gallery once (mostly) everything comes in.